Saturday, August 31, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Bonds

Advantages/Disadvantages Advantages of bonds Bonds as an investment instrument bring a lot of advantages to the bond holders. Firstly, bonds are more stable than stocks. Investing in bonds involve lower risks compared to stocks. Normally, bond holders are more likely to receive the coupon rate (interest) from bond issuers. So, there is very less chances that bond holders will lost out on their investment. Also, they can feel relieved when they invest in the reliable investment and taking less risk to loss all their money they invest. Besides, bonds are predictable.On the maturity date, bonds are returned to bond issuers in the form of fixed periodic interest and principal amount of the bonds . Bond holders can know how much coupon rate (interest) , how often will receive it and when the value will be repaid (matures) when they purchase the bonds . The interest rate given by bonds are typically higher than the interest rate paid by banks on saving account. Basically, bond holders rece ive more interest than account holders . This means bonds will give the greatest return without posing too much risk. Moreover, certain bonds can be exempted from the income tax such as municipal bonds.So, the interest earn from the municipal bonds can be the investors’ profit without any tax on it. Investors who pay high taxes can take advantage of tax exempt bonds. Many municipal bonds are free of state taxes. Some of are also exempt from federal taxes. This is an additional incentive to invest in bonds since lower taxes result in larger gains. Other than that, bonds do not need constant monitoring like some investment instruments. Unlike margin, the investors need to check the price, status, news from time to time and this make a tension life to them.Therefore, it is an advantage for bond holders because they no need spend their time to check the status of their bonds. Disadvantages of bonds Investing in bonds also has it disadvantages. Bonds also take risk . If the compan ies and municipalities can’t solve their financial problem and go bankrupt, the bonds will then loss value or become worthless. This may happen on those who buy long term bonds which may take twelve years to mature. Investor would not know what will happen on the duration, especially for those who buy from corporate bonds. The interest rate of bond is higher han savings account but much lower than share, gold or real estate. This is the reason why people do not invest in bonds. Also, they want to double or triple the money they invest with good investment which can make a higher profit than bonds. The gold, share and real estate are some of the high return capital in the market, while the bonds are not constant in long term. The other disadvantage of bonds is the bond issuers may not able to pay back what they agreed or promised to. If the bonds are repaid in early month before the maturity date, the bond holders will loss the interest from bonds as a part of their income.The bond fund managers who were expecting continued income from those bonds may suddenly be forced to buy other bonds that don't pay as well. Besides that, long-term bonds can fall in value with fluctuating interest rates. This lowers the value of bonds and tied money of bondholders. If an investor's money is tied up in some low yielding long term bonds and suddenly the interest rates of banks or other bonds go up, there is nothing much the investor can do about the situation. In such case, an investor will end up making much lesser money as he could have, if he had invested in other instruments.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Essay

Financial support is a commonly agreed issue for human service organizations. Programs offered to the target population can be costly and knowing where to seek funding is a must. The XYZ Company is a nonprofit making agency integrated in section 501c3 of the United States Internal Revenue Code. This organization provides consumers in El Paso County, Texas who are in great requirement of psychiatric counseling. While studying government help plans, the Executive Director recognized three specific plans that are applicable to the development and the growing need for services. With adding a satellite office, more funding is needed. Three identified programs are: Based on the information provided in Appendix A, regarding the XYZ Corporation, the type of assistance that will prove to be the most valuable is ARRA – Grants to Health Center Programs. The program’s objectives are to increase the number of uninsured and underserved individuals access to primary and preventive healthcare. Enable existing centers to increase services, assist centers with capital improvement projects an assist with facility improvements are also objectives. Eligibility requirements are for new centers, both private and public that are non-profit entities and where the population groups are in medically underserved areas and for currently funded health care centers. The types of assistance are available through project grants. The dollar range awarded is based on two years and varies depending on specific opportunities. The average amount of assistance that may be rewarded depends on various intended purposes. For example, an existing center that has an increase in demands has the potential to be rewarded monies from $500,000 to $1.3 million, and a facility seeking improvement awards may be granted monies ranging from $800,000 to $12,000,000. This specific program can be utilized by the XYZ Corporation due to the fact they are an existing center that has an increase in demands and that is why they opened a satellite office in 2003. References Department of Health and Human Services. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance. Retrieved from Department of Health and Human Services. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance. Retrieved from

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Abraham Lincoln and American History

Even as a boy, Lincoln showed ability as a speaker. He often amused himself and others by imitating some preacher or politician who had spoken in the area. People liked to gather at the general store in the crossroads village of Gentryville. Lincoln’s gift for telling stories made him a favorite with the people there. In spite of his youth, he was well known in his neighborhood. In 1834, Lincoln again ran for the legislature. He had become better known by this time, and won election as a Whig. He served four successive two-year terms in the lower house of the Illinois General Assembly. During his first term, he met a young Democratic legislator, Stephen A. Douglas. Lincoln quickly came to the front in the legislature. He was witty and ready in debate. His skill in party management enabled him to become the Whig floor leader at the beginning of his second term. He took leading parts in the establishment of the Bank of Illinois and in the adoption of a plan for a system of railroads and canals. This plan broke down after the Panic of 1837. Lincoln also led a successful campaign for moving the state capital from Vandalia to Springfield. While in the legislature, Lincoln made his first public statement on slavery. In 1837, the legislature passed by an overwhelming majority resolutions condemning abolition societies. These societies urged freedom for slaves. Lincoln and another legislator, Dan Stone, filed a protest. They admitted that Congress had no power to interfere with slavery in the states where it existed. They believed â€Å"the promulgation of abolition doctrines tend rather to increase than abate its evils. *1 Their protest arose from the legislature’s failure to call slavery an evil practice. Lincoln and Stone declared that â€Å"the institution of slavery is founded on both injustice and bad policy. â€Å"*2 Later, Lincoln continued with his dream to become part of the law. He wanted to become president. On March 4, 1861, Lincoln took the oath of office and became the 16th President of the United States. In his inaugural address, Lincoln denied that he had any intention of interfering with slavery in states where the Constitution protected it. He urged the preservation of the Union. Lincoln warned that he would use the full power of the nation to â€Å"hold, occupy, and possess† the â€Å"property and places†*3 belonging to the federal government. By â€Å"property and places,† he meant forts, arsenals, and custom houses. Lincoln’s closing passage had great beauty and literary power. He appealed to â€Å"the mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land. † The attack on Fort Sumter marked the start of the Civil War. Lincoln met the crisis with energetic action. He called out the militia to suppress the â€Å"insurrection. He proclaimed a blockade of Southern ports, and expanded the army beyond the limit set by law. He then led the United States during the Civil War (1861-1865), which was the greatest crisis in U. S. history. During the Civil War, Lincoln’s first task was to win the war. He had to view nearly all other matters in relation to the war. It was â€Å"the progress of our arms,† he once said, â€Å"upon which all else depends. † But Lincoln was a peace-loving man who had earlier described military glory as â€Å"that attractive rainbow, that rises in showers of blood–that serpent’s eye that charms to destroy. *4 The Civil War was by far the bloodiest war in U. S. history. Lincoln became a remarkable war leader. Some historians believe he was the chief architect of the Union’s victorious military strategy. This strategy called for Union armies to advance against the enemy on all fronts at the same time. Lincoln also insisted that the objective of the Union armies should be the destruction of opposing forces, not the conquest of territory. Lincoln changed generals several times because he could not find one who would fight the war the way he wanted it fought. When he finally found such a general, Ulysses S. Grant, Lincoln stood firmly behind him. Lincoln’s second great task was to keep up Northern morale through the horrible war in which many relatives in the North and South fought against one another. He understood that the Union’s resources vastly exceeded those of the Confederacy, and that the Union would eventually triumph if it remained dedicated to victory. For this reason, Lincoln used his great writing and speechmaking abilities to spur on his people. If the Union had been destroyed, the United States could have become two, or possibly more, nations. These nations separately could not have become as prosperous and important as the United States is today. By preserving the Union, Lincoln influenced the course of world history. By ending slavery, he helped assure the moral strength of the United States. His own life story, too, has been important. He rose from humble origin to the nation’s highest office. What did Abraham Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation do to help the Civil War? It declared freedom for slaves in all areas of the Confederacy that were still in rebellion against the Union. The proclamation also provided for the use of blacks in the Union Army and Navy. As a result, it greatly influenced the North’s victory in the war. The 11 states of the Confederacy seceded from the Union in 1860 and 1861. They seceded primarily because they feared Lincoln would restrict their right to do as they chose about the question of black slavery. The North entered the Civil War only to reunite the nation, not to end slavery. During the first half of the war, abolitionists and some Union military leaders urged Lincoln to issue a proclamation freeing the slaves. They argued that such a policy would help the North because slaves were contributing greatly to the Confederate war effort. By doing most of the South’s farming and factory work, slaves made whites available for the Confederate Army. Lincoln agreed with the abolitionists’ view of slavery. He once declared that â€Å"if slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. â€Å"*5 But early in the war, Lincoln believed that if he freed the slaves, he would divide the North. Lincoln feared that four slave-owning border states; Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri, would secede if he adopted such a policy. In July 1862, with the war going badly for the North, Congress passed a law freeing all Confederate slaves who came into Union lines. At about that same time, Lincoln decided to change his stand on slavery. But he waited for a Union military victory, so that his decision would not appear to be a desperate act. On Sept. 22, 1862, five days after Union forces won the Battle of Antietam, Lincoln issued a preliminary proclamation. It stated that if the rebelling states did not return to the Union by Jan. 1, 1863, he would declare their slaves to be â€Å"forever free. The South rejected Lincoln’s policy, and so he issued the Emancipation Proclamation on Jan. 1, 1863. Lincoln took this action as commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States. He called it â€Å"a fit and necessary war measure. † The Emancipation Proclamation did not actually free a single slave, because it affected only areas under Confederate control. It excluded slaves in the border states and in such Southern areas under Union control as Tennessee and parts of Louisiana and Virginia. But it did lead to the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. This amendment, which became law on Dec. 18, 1865, ended slavery in all parts of the United States. As the abolitionists had predicted, the Emancipation Proclamation strengthened the North’s war effort and weakened the South’s. By the end of the war, more than 500,000 slaves had fled to freedom behind Northern lines. Many of them joined the Union Army or Navy or worked for the armed forces as laborers. By allowing blacks to serve in the Army and Navy, the Emancipation Proclamation helped solve the North’s problem of declining enlistments. About 200,000 black soldiers and sailors, many of them former slaves, served in the armed forces. They helped the North win the war. The Emancipation Proclamation also hurt the South by discouraging Britain and France from entering the war. Both of those nations depended on the South to supply them with cotton, and the Confederacy hoped that they would fight on its side. But the proclamation made the war a fight against slavery. Lincoln†s decisions and Emancipation Proclamation led to the 15th amendment which freed slaves. Without it, life today would be much different. He changed life for all Americans, black and white. How did the Pacific Railroad Act have an impact on American History? It provided for the building of the nation’s first transcontinental rail line. Abraham Lincoln was in office when the Pacific Railroad Act was signed. He made a huge impact by signing the act. It was the first step to trading with other states that were far apart and new ways of transportation. States could now trade meat and states could focus on the products that are most practical for their part of the country. The act gave two companies responsibility for building the railroad. The Union Pacific was to start laying track westward from a point near Omaha. The Central Pacific Railroad was to lay track eastward from Sacramento. Congress granted both railroads large tracts of land and millions of dollars in government loans. Work began on the Central Pacific track in 1863 and on the Union Pacific in 1865. The railroads faced the gigantic task of crossing the rugged Rockies and the towering Sierra Nevada. To obtain the necessary labor, the Central Pacific hired thousands of Chinese immigrants to work on the railroad. Thousands of European immigrants worked on the Union Pacific. On May 10, 1869, the tracks of the two railroads finally met at Promontory, Utah. North America became the first continent to have a rail line from coast to coast. By the end of the 1800’s, the United States had five transcontinental rail lines. The Canadian Pacific Railway (now CP Rail) completed Canada’s first transcontinental line in 1885. It extended from Montreal, Quebec, to Vancouver, British Columbia. The completion of these rail lines opened vast regions of the continent to settlement and trade. How did the sayings of Abraham Lincoln help people? Abraham gave many speeches in his life that inspired people to be all that they can be and do what is right. Gettysburg Address is a short speech that United States President Abraham Lincoln delivered during the American Civil War at the site of the Battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania. He delivered the address on Nov. 19, 1863, at ceremonies to dedicate a part of the battlefield as a cemetery for those who had lost their lives in the battle. The principal speaker was Edward Everett, one of the greatest orators of his day. He spoke for two hours. Lincoln was asked to say a few words, and spoke for about two minutes. Lincoln wrote the address to help ensure that the battle would be seen as a great Union triumph and to define for the people of the Northern States the purpose in fighting the war. Some historians think his simple and inspired words, which are among the best remembered in American history, reshaped the nation by defining it as one people dedicated to one principle–that of equality. Lincoln wrote five different versions of the speech. He wrote most of the first version in Washington, D. C. , and probably completed it at Gettysburg. He probably wrote the second version at Gettysburg on the evening before he delivered his address. He held this second version in his hand during the address. But he made several changes as he spoke. The most important change was to add the phrase â€Å"under God† after the word â€Å"nation† in the last sentence. Lincoln also added that phrase to the three versions of the address that he wrote after the ceremonies at Gettysburg. Lincoln wrote the final version of the address–the fifth written version–in 1864. This version also differed somewhat from the speech he actually gave, but it was the only copy he signed. It is carved on a stone plaque in the Lincoln Memorial. Many false stories have grown up about this famous speech. One story says that the people of Lincoln’s time did not appreciate the speech. But the reaction of the nation’s newspapers largely followed party lines. Most of the newspapers that backed the Republican Party, the party to which Lincoln belonged, liked the speech. A majority of the newspapers that supported the Democratic Party did not. Edward Everett, the principal speaker at the dedication, wrote to Lincoln: â€Å"I should be glad if I could flatter myself that I came as near to the central idea of the occasion in two hours as you did in two minutes. *6 Abrahams two minute speech had more of an impact that a two hour speech. Lincoln touched many hearts and others despised him. It does not matter if they liked him or not, they were still affected by his words and actions. Abraham Lincoln affected the U. S. in many different ways. He led the United States during the Civil War, one of the most brutal battles in history. Lincoln helped end slavery in the nation and helped keep the American Union from splitting apart during the war. Lincoln thus believed that he proved to the world that democracy can be a lasting form of government. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, second inaugural address, and many of his other speeches and writings are classic statements of democratic beliefs and goals. Lincoln, a Republican, was the first member of his party to become President. He was assassinated near the end of the Civil War and was succeeded by Vice President Andrew Johnson. Lincoln was the first U. S. President to be assassinated. Without President Lincoln life today would be much different. We have him to thank for a lot of the great accomplishments in history. Abraham Lincoln and American History Even as a boy, Lincoln showed ability as a speaker. He often amused himself and others by imitating some preacher or politician who had spoken in the area. People liked to gather at the general store in the crossroads village of Gentryville. Lincoln’s gift for telling stories made him a favorite with the people there. In spite of his youth, he was well known in his neighborhood. In 1834, Lincoln again ran for the legislature. He had become better known by this time, and won election as a Whig. He served four successive two-year terms in the lower house of the Illinois General Assembly. During his first term, he met a young Democratic legislator, Stephen A. Douglas. Lincoln quickly came to the front in the legislature. He was witty and ready in debate. His skill in party management enabled him to become the Whig floor leader at the beginning of his second term. He took leading parts in the establishment of the Bank of Illinois and in the adoption of a plan for a system of railroads and canals. This plan broke down after the Panic of 1837. Lincoln also led a successful campaign for moving the state capital from Vandalia to Springfield. While in the legislature, Lincoln made his first public statement on slavery. In 1837, the legislature passed by an overwhelming majority resolutions condemning abolition societies. These societies urged freedom for slaves. Lincoln and another legislator, Dan Stone, filed a protest. They admitted that Congress had no power to interfere with slavery in the states where it existed. They believed â€Å"the promulgation of abolition doctrines tend rather to increase than abate its evils. *1 Their protest arose from the legislature’s failure to call slavery an evil practice. Lincoln and Stone declared that â€Å"the institution of slavery is founded on both injustice and bad policy. â€Å"*2 Later, Lincoln continued with his dream to become part of the law. He wanted to become president. On March 4, 1861, Lincoln took the oath of office and became the 16th President of the United States. In his inaugural address, Lincoln denied that he had any intention of interfering with slavery in states where the Constitution protected it. He urged the preservation of the Union. Lincoln warned that he would use the full power of the nation to â€Å"hold, occupy, and possess† the â€Å"property and places†*3 belonging to the federal government. By â€Å"property and places,† he meant forts, arsenals, and custom houses. Lincoln’s closing passage had great beauty and literary power. He appealed to â€Å"the mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land. † The attack on Fort Sumter marked the start of the Civil War. Lincoln met the crisis with energetic action. He called out the militia to suppress the â€Å"insurrection. He proclaimed a blockade of Southern ports, and expanded the army beyond the limit set by law. He then led the United States during the Civil War (1861-1865), which was the greatest crisis in U. S. history. During the Civil War, Lincoln’s first task was to win the war. He had to view nearly all other matters in relation to the war. It was â€Å"the progress of our arms,† he once said, â€Å"upon which all else depends. † But Lincoln was a peace-loving man who had earlier described military glory as â€Å"that attractive rainbow, that rises in showers of blood–that serpent’s eye that charms to destroy. *4 The Civil War was by far the bloodiest war in U. S. history. Lincoln became a remarkable war leader. Some historians believe he was the chief architect of the Union’s victorious military strategy. This strategy called for Union armies to advance against the enemy on all fronts at the same time. Lincoln also insisted that the objective of the Union armies should be the destruction of opposing forces, not the conquest of territory. Lincoln changed generals several times because he could not find one who would fight the war the way he wanted it fought. When he finally found such a general, Ulysses S. Grant, Lincoln stood firmly behind him. Lincoln’s second great task was to keep up Northern morale through the horrible war in which many relatives in the North and South fought against one another. He understood that the Union’s resources vastly exceeded those of the Confederacy, and that the Union would eventually triumph if it remained dedicated to victory. For this reason, Lincoln used his great writing and speechmaking abilities to spur on his people. If the Union had been destroyed, the United States could have become two, or possibly more, nations. These nations separately could not have become as prosperous and important as the United States is today. By preserving the Union, Lincoln influenced the course of world history. By ending slavery, he helped assure the moral strength of the United States. His own life story, too, has been important. He rose from humble origin to the nation’s highest office. What did Abraham Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation do to help the Civil War? It declared freedom for slaves in all areas of the Confederacy that were still in rebellion against the Union. The proclamation also provided for the use of blacks in the Union Army and Navy. As a result, it greatly influenced the North’s victory in the war. The 11 states of the Confederacy seceded from the Union in 1860 and 1861. They seceded primarily because they feared Lincoln would restrict their right to do as they chose about the question of black slavery. The North entered the Civil War only to reunite the nation, not to end slavery. During the first half of the war, abolitionists and some Union military leaders urged Lincoln to issue a proclamation freeing the slaves. They argued that such a policy would help the North because slaves were contributing greatly to the Confederate war effort. By doing most of the South’s farming and factory work, slaves made whites available for the Confederate Army. Lincoln agreed with the abolitionists’ view of slavery. He once declared that â€Å"if slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. â€Å"*5 But early in the war, Lincoln believed that if he freed the slaves, he would divide the North. Lincoln feared that four slave-owning border states; Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri, would secede if he adopted such a policy. In July 1862, with the war going badly for the North, Congress passed a law freeing all Confederate slaves who came into Union lines. At about that same time, Lincoln decided to change his stand on slavery. But he waited for a Union military victory, so that his decision would not appear to be a desperate act. On Sept. 22, 1862, five days after Union forces won the Battle of Antietam, Lincoln issued a preliminary proclamation. It stated that if the rebelling states did not return to the Union by Jan. 1, 1863, he would declare their slaves to be â€Å"forever free. The South rejected Lincoln’s policy, and so he issued the Emancipation Proclamation on Jan. 1, 1863. Lincoln took this action as commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States. He called it â€Å"a fit and necessary war measure. † The Emancipation Proclamation did not actually free a single slave, because it affected only areas under Confederate control. It excluded slaves in the border states and in such Southern areas under Union control as Tennessee and parts of Louisiana and Virginia. But it did lead to the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. This amendment, which became law on Dec. 18, 1865, ended slavery in all parts of the United States. As the abolitionists had predicted, the Emancipation Proclamation strengthened the North’s war effort and weakened the South’s. By the end of the war, more than 500,000 slaves had fled to freedom behind Northern lines. Many of them joined the Union Army or Navy or worked for the armed forces as laborers. By allowing blacks to serve in the Army and Navy, the Emancipation Proclamation helped solve the North’s problem of declining enlistments. About 200,000 black soldiers and sailors, many of them former slaves, served in the armed forces. They helped the North win the war. The Emancipation Proclamation also hurt the South by discouraging Britain and France from entering the war. Both of those nations depended on the South to supply them with cotton, and the Confederacy hoped that they would fight on its side. But the proclamation made the war a fight against slavery. Lincoln†s decisions and Emancipation Proclamation led to the 15th amendment which freed slaves. Without it, life today would be much different. He changed life for all Americans, black and white. How did the Pacific Railroad Act have an impact on American History? It provided for the building of the nation’s first transcontinental rail line. Abraham Lincoln was in office when the Pacific Railroad Act was signed. He made a huge impact by signing the act. It was the first step to trading with other states that were far apart and new ways of transportation. States could now trade meat and states could focus on the products that are most practical for their part of the country. The act gave two companies responsibility for building the railroad. The Union Pacific was to start laying track westward from a point near Omaha. The Central Pacific Railroad was to lay track eastward from Sacramento. Congress granted both railroads large tracts of land and millions of dollars in government loans. Work began on the Central Pacific track in 1863 and on the Union Pacific in 1865. The railroads faced the gigantic task of crossing the rugged Rockies and the towering Sierra Nevada. To obtain the necessary labor, the Central Pacific hired thousands of Chinese immigrants to work on the railroad. Thousands of European immigrants worked on the Union Pacific. On May 10, 1869, the tracks of the two railroads finally met at Promontory, Utah. North America became the first continent to have a rail line from coast to coast. By the end of the 1800’s, the United States had five transcontinental rail lines. The Canadian Pacific Railway (now CP Rail) completed Canada’s first transcontinental line in 1885. It extended from Montreal, Quebec, to Vancouver, British Columbia. The completion of these rail lines opened vast regions of the continent to settlement and trade. How did the sayings of Abraham Lincoln help people? Abraham gave many speeches in his life that inspired people to be all that they can be and do what is right. Gettysburg Address is a short speech that United States President Abraham Lincoln delivered during the American Civil War at the site of the Battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania. He delivered the address on Nov. 19, 1863, at ceremonies to dedicate a part of the battlefield as a cemetery for those who had lost their lives in the battle. The principal speaker was Edward Everett, one of the greatest orators of his day. He spoke for two hours. Lincoln was asked to say a few words, and spoke for about two minutes. Lincoln wrote the address to help ensure that the battle would be seen as a great Union triumph and to define for the people of the Northern States the purpose in fighting the war. Some historians think his simple and inspired words, which are among the best remembered in American history, reshaped the nation by defining it as one people dedicated to one principle–that of equality. Lincoln wrote five different versions of the speech. He wrote most of the first version in Washington, D. C. , and probably completed it at Gettysburg. He probably wrote the second version at Gettysburg on the evening before he delivered his address. He held this second version in his hand during the address. But he made several changes as he spoke. The most important change was to add the phrase â€Å"under God† after the word â€Å"nation† in the last sentence. Lincoln also added that phrase to the three versions of the address that he wrote after the ceremonies at Gettysburg. Lincoln wrote the final version of the address–the fifth written version–in 1864. This version also differed somewhat from the speech he actually gave, but it was the only copy he signed. It is carved on a stone plaque in the Lincoln Memorial. Many false stories have grown up about this famous speech. One story says that the people of Lincoln’s time did not appreciate the speech. But the reaction of the nation’s newspapers largely followed party lines. Most of the newspapers that backed the Republican Party, the party to which Lincoln belonged, liked the speech. A majority of the newspapers that supported the Democratic Party did not. Edward Everett, the principal speaker at the dedication, wrote to Lincoln: â€Å"I should be glad if I could flatter myself that I came as near to the central idea of the occasion in two hours as you did in two minutes. *6 Abrahams two minute speech had more of an impact that a two hour speech. Lincoln touched many hearts and others despised him. It does not matter if they liked him or not, they were still affected by his words and actions. Abraham Lincoln affected the U. S. in many different ways. He led the United States during the Civil War, one of the most brutal battles in history. Lincoln helped end slavery in the nation and helped keep the American Union from splitting apart during the war. Lincoln thus believed that he proved to the world that democracy can be a lasting form of government. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, second inaugural address, and many of his other speeches and writings are classic statements of democratic beliefs and goals. Lincoln, a Republican, was the first member of his party to become President. He was assassinated near the end of the Civil War and was succeeded by Vice President Andrew Johnson. Lincoln was the first U. S. President to be assassinated. Without President Lincoln life today would be much different. We have him to thank for a lot of the great accomplishments in history.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Walmart Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Walmart - Research Paper Example Walmart headquarters are based in Arkansas, US. Under the leadership of Robson Walton and Mike Duke, the chairman and the President respectively, the company has embarked on diversification of its product portfolio in order to face off its key competitors in the market. Some of the notable products that the company provides include warehouse clubs, superstore, Apparel, Shoes & Accessories footwear and food products among others. Walmart Stores opened its first store in 1970 in its home country. Based on its good financial performance during its establishment, the store became a public held company in 1970. Based on the need to strengthen its capital base and bring more investors on board, the company was listed in the New York Stock Exchange thus making it to freely sell its stock to the local and foreign investors. Due to Walmart establishment of stores in various market and strong positive relationship with the customers, the store has for a long time enjoyed increase in revenue. F or example, in 2012-2013 financial year, the company revenue stood at US$ 469.162 billion. The net income was US$ 16.999Â  billion while the company operating income stood at US$ 27.801Â  billion. In the same year, the company total assets were US$ 203.105Â  billion. ... One of the major divisions is the Walmart Stores US. Being the largest, the store consists of there key retail outlets namely supercenters, Walmart markets and discount stores. Walmart plays in the monopolistic market structure. One of the major aspects that make the store to emulate a monopolistic economic model is that it emulates product differentiation in its operations. Additionally, the firm operates in an industry with many firms locally and in the global market. Based on its significant market share, it is worth to note that Walmart has some degree of market power an aspect that is characterizes firm in a monopolistic market structure. Major competitors Based on the free entry aspect of the retail industry, Walmart is faced by various competitors in the US market and in the UK market as well as in other countries. For example, in the North America market major competitors are Target, Meijer, Kmart, Big Lots, Costco and ShopKo. In UK, the company is faced with stiff competitio n from Tesco. In their efforts to face off Walmart in the market, the competitors have embarked on extensive marketing strategies that include selling of products that are low priced as well as similar to those provided by Walmart. For example, Target, the second largest retail shop in US, offers direct competition to Walmart by opening more that 1,920 distribution centers in US. Additionally, Target differentiates its products from those of Walmart and other competitors by offering upscale merchandise at lower prices. On its part, Tesco maintains a 30% of the UK market due to its extensive market strategies and provision of wide range of products that includes Tesco mobile, food products, clothing, financial services and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry Essay

A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry - Essay Example This process shows that analysis and synthetic are crucial elements of literary research and interpretation. 3. The most difficult was to incorporate different points of view of the characters and events in order to understand the epoch and its values. This attempt shows that every personality has both good and bad features and it is incorrect to label a hero as "negative" or "positive" only. Every person has a dual nature which determines relations with other people and the world around us. 4. The strengths of the paper are clear themes and issues under analysis (sub-topics), examples which help to illustrate the main ideas and structure (introduction, thesis, four body paragraphs and conclusion). It is possible to add analysis of the other characters (Ruth, Asagai, Beneatha etc. but it would take more than 3 pages. 5. Historical overview of the epoch (culture and social movements) will help readers to grasp the idea and themes described in the paper. There are no certain events that led me to write on this topic, but I suppose that historical analysis of the society is the first step which helps me to understand the play and its characters. A play "A Raisin in the Sun" vividly reflects social values and ideals dominated in the society during 1950s. ... Thesis The play reflects the values of the society and norms typical for 1950s through family relations and social environment described by Lorraine Hansberry. The play depicts family life of African-Americans faced with racial discrimination and poverty. The Younger family belongs to working class faced with poverty and suffered from lack of money. Hansberry creates in Walter Lee a typical member of the low class with low-class ambitions, while at the same time he is a psychological study: self-deluding, a man unable to come to terms with reality. All of his dreams associated with wealth and luxury are transferred to a liquor store venture which promises to make Walter Lee a prosperous businessman. Walter comments "You see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be 'bout thirty thousand, see... Baby, don't nothing happen for you in this world 'less you pay somebody off!" (Act 1, Scene 1). The whole play is constructed around the theme of money which shapes the atmosphere of the epoch. This theme is reflected through the character of Walter Lee. Only money rules the world of low classes and forces them to forget about human dignity and human code of ethics. On the other hand, Hansberry vividly portrays a difference between the old generation represented by Mama and young people like Walter Lee and his wife, Ruth. Because of poverty and hard work, money is the only way for young people to realize their dreams. Hansberry unveils that nothing is sacred for the young generation. For instance, Willy is indifferent towards his wife and unborn child driven by desire for money. Low morals and values have a great influence on the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 17

Case Study - Essay Example 3. Testing for carrier or affected individuals with Tay-Sachs disease; blood screening for hexosaminidase-A (Hex-A) mutation in suspected individual that either have family history or are of Ashkenazi Jewish descent is used to identify carriers. Blood test is performed antenatal using chronic villus sampling and amniocentesis or after birth. 5. Function of lysosomes; they produce enzyme Hexosaminidase-A (Hex-A) that prevents buildup of fatty materials called GM2 ganglioside in the cells brain and nerves. This further averts malfunctioning of nerves and brain cells (Americo, Filho, & Shapiro, 2010). 6. Role of Hexosaminidase-A enzyme; this enzyme is responsible for abasement of GM2 ganglioside and many other biological molecules that have terminal N-acetyl hexosamins in both the brain cells and nervous cells. Deficiency of enzyme hexosaminidase A causes Tay-Sachs disease due to increased buildup of toxic GM2 ganglioside a fatty substance that destroys brain cells and nerves. This results in motor difficulties and other signs and symptoms. 7. Diagnosis of Tay-Sachs disease; blood test is analyzed for enzyme assay or biochemical examination that reveals the levels of hexosaminidase- A in an individual. Affected individuals have less -hexosaminidase A blood and other cells than non-carriers. 8. Management; Tay-Sachs disease has no cure; only management is to relieve symptoms. Prevent airway and lung problems; relieve dysphagia and medication for fits, muscle stiffness and eye problems (Chamoles, Blanco, Gaggioli, & Casentini, 2002). Chamoles, N. A., Blanco, M., Gaggioli, D., & Casentini, C. (2002). Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff diseases: Enzymatic diagnosis in dried blood spots on filter paper: Retrospective diagnoses in newborn-screening cards. Clinica Chimica Acta, 318(1-2), 133–137. doi:10.1016/S0009-8981(02)00002-5 Ohno, K., Saito, S., Sugawara, K., & Sakuraba, H. (2008). Structural

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Commentary on a macro economics topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Commentary on a macro economics topic - Essay Example This manifests the government’s efforts towards maintaining economic stability in case of unemployment. However, the article reckons that the federal government’s temporary â€Å"extended† and â€Å"emergency† unemployment compensation programs accrue benefits only after the state exhausts its benefits in case of a recession (Mulligan 1). This demonstrates the federal government’s concern on unemployment and depicts the government’s efforts towards economic challenges like recession. Notably, the federal unemployment insurance and any other temporary federal programs have expiration dates to discourage people from leaving their jobs, which would lead to increased unemployment levels. In fact, the article notes that although the Unemployment benefits from any program have great importance to the unemployed, they equally depress the labor market by encouraging retrenchments and allowing people to remain unemployed (Mulligan 1). Nevertheless, wh ere the victims are yet to get other jobs before the expiry date of such programs, the Congress extends the expiry date as part of the fiscal cliff deal (Mulligan 1). Indeed, the Affordable Care Act may replace the Emergency Unemployment Compensation if it expires on December. The new program will be more beneficial since it will cover the unemployed and the premium subsidies for health insurance (Mulligan 1). This manifests the long-term concern by the federal government to address unemployment in the country. Moreover, the article presents the fact that the continued presence of the Emergency Unemployment Compensation and the new health care assistance derives an incentive for workers and employers to create and retain jobs (Mulligan 1). This is a long-term strategy to eliminate unemployment in the country. The article advocates for employment since it leads to income that generates additional taxes and withheld benefits for the federal government (Mulligan 1). However, high tax r ate discourages people from working. (Mulligan 1) The broken line depicts the level of the marginal tax rate if the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program expires on December 2013. The diagram shows that upon the expiry, the tax rates are bound to increase more at the beginning of next year. It also shows that the tax rates are bound to increase at a lower rate if the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program does not expire in December 2013. Ideally, the health assistance will compensate the benefits lost from the expiry of the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program. The fiscal cliff as used in the article refers to a combination of expiring tax cuts and across-the-board government spending cuts effective Dec. 31, 2012 (â€Å"Investopedia† 1). Ideally, the fiscal cliff sought to avoid the adverse effects of expiring tax cuts and reducing the government spending at the same time. The fiscal cliff has an overall effect of reducing the federal budget deficit ( "Investopedia† 1). On the other hand, the marginal tax rate refers to the rate of tax paid to an additional dollar earned through employment (Reynolds 1). Notably, an increase in income leads to an increase in the marginal tax rate. As such, low-income earners accrue lower marginal tax rate that the higher income earners. Although, marginal tax rate seems like an equitable taxation strategy, many people

My opinion about Alternative Worlds Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

My opinion about Alternative Worlds - Article Example Megatrends describe the major and progressive changes that will define and shape the world in the near future. The world in 2030 will certainly be a lot different than the world at present as different factors, including individuals’ position, ownership of power, demography, and availability of food, water and energy, would have changed. According to the article, the major trends in the near future are likely to concern individual empowerment, diffusion of power, demographic patterns, and growing food, water and energy nexus. Each of these megatrends is discussed as below. Individual Empowerment refers to the individualistic power that people in future are likely to possess as compared to the present. In the next 15 to 20 years, the level of poverty is likely to reduce thus causing a rise in the number of people categorised as middle class in the entire world. Also, such people would be more educated, have access to modern communications and manufacturing technologies, as well as live in a world with better health-care facilities. This trend is significant as it determines the amount of power that an individual possesses. Unlike the present where individual power is limited, this trend will give people much say in matters that affect them. Diffusion of power describes power shift from powerful states such as United States and Europe, to other emerging economies in the world such as China and Brazil, and finally to non-state groups or coalitions. As other economies grow, it will be difficult for some few states such as the U.S. to assume total power. In addition, emergence of groups that own most factors of production and communication networks will cause power to further shift from states to amorphous coalitions. This trend is significant as powerful states such as United States will lost much of the power to the other players in global leadership. The third megatrend is in demographic patterns and this describes the composition and the nature of the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Should religious symbols be banned for workplaces in Quebec Essay

Should religious symbols be banned for workplaces in Quebec - Essay Example During this time, the Catholic Church was granted en seigneurie zones of land covering about 30% of the lands that the French Crown granted in New France (Dickson and Young 16). Due to influences from France and the religious fervor during the Counter-Reformation, Quebec was mainly religious and women joined the Roman Catholic nuns in large numbers. The 1944 election saw Maurice Dupress ascend as the premier of Quebec. He was known for his strong opposition to intellectuals, modernizers and trade unions. Due to his beliefs and policies, the period he ruled became known as the Great Darkness (La Grande Noirceur) (Courville 49). During his rule under the Union Nationale party, the society of Quebec was culturally close minded and Catholic doctrine and morality defined the way of life for most people. In 1960, the Union Nationale party lost the election to Jean Lesage’s Liberal Party who stood under the slogan â€Å"it’s time for change†, thus sparking The Quiet Rev olution (Courville 72). This period was marked by social and political transformation where Quebecois national identify took the center stage from secularism. The late 1960 also saw a gain in momentum of Quebec separatism with Rene Levesque forming the Mouvement Souverainete-Association. Bureaucracy in the government of Quebec saw a growth in friction between English-speaking Canada and Quebec. In 1968, the Parti Quebecois was formed when different separatist force joined into one under the leadership of Rene Levesque (Dickinson and Young 57). The party gained popular vote, increasing from 8% in 1966 to 30% in 1973. From 1970 to 2000, the people of Quebec grew in confidence and sought to find their path. This was a time in which people were angry at the yoke placed on them by the church. People stopped attending churches, women started leaving their convents and every form of authority was put under a microscope The Charter of Values is officially referred to as Bill 60 (Charter aff irming the values of State secularism and religious neutrality and the equality between women and men, and providing a framework for accommodation requests) (Edmiston 1). The charter proposes provisions to revise the Quebec Charter of human Rights and Freedoms, institute an obligation of reserve and neutrality for all employees of the state including healthcare personnel and teachers, limit wearing of religious paraphernalia for government personnel and ensure that all people have their face uncovered when giving and receiving service from the state (Gagnon 1). Items prohibited include niqab, hijab, turban, kippah and other large pendants denoting a specific religion. Small pendants such as rings and earrings that are discrete will not be affected. This prohibition will affect all personnel of the state such as teachers, nurses, doctors, police and firefighters, secretaries in government offices, public daycare employees and politicians holding government offices (Edmiston 1). Parti Quebecois proposed the charter of values to solve the controversy on reasonable accommodation in Quebec. Reasonable accommodation describes the modification that does not cause unjustified burden, to ensure that minority groups enjoy the same freedom and right as the mainstream population in cases where it is necessary (Gagnon 2). The charter was proposed mainly to promote

Friday, August 23, 2019

Impact of Colonialism on the Middle East Term Paper

Impact of Colonialism on the Middle East - Term Paper Example However, their political allegiance was always with the country of origin. Other such examples include those of the people of: North America, Australia, New Zealand and Algeria. Imperialism is derived from Latin word Imperium which means to command. It is thus a way that one country exercises power over another, whether through settlement, sovereignty or indirect control, without significant settlement. Typical examples include Africa, American domination of Philippines and Puerto Rico. Colonialism in the Middle East: European colonial activity in Africa and Middle East reached the peak in the late 19th and early 20th century. The British became heavily involved in the affairs of Egypt and Sudan. The British annexed Aden in 1839. The British and the French built and operated the Suez Canal in 1869; Britain went to war with Iran in 1856 over night of way to India and China through Iran. Algeria fell under the French rule in 1830. The French invaded Morocco and occupied Tunisia in 1881 . Zanizibar became a British protectorate in 1890. Germany took over Daras Salaam, and French captured Senegal in 1890. Britain and Russia divided Iran into spheres of interest while Italy captured Libya in 1911. 2-EUROPIAN IMPERIALISM May it be for economic nationalist or humanitarian reasons, more powerful nations have often interfered with the affairs of the weaker nations. The more powerful nations, including the United States, Britain, France, Italy, Portugal, Germany and several other European countries have in the past exploited less powerful and backward countries. European imperialism is used to refer to more recent colonial Empires of Britain, France, Portugal and Spain during the European â€Å"age of exploration†. During the 15th century, Portugal and Spain had the most power navies. Portugal established a powerful Empire which was highly useful for trade. In the 16th, 17th and 18th century, Britain entered the arena largely due to its envy of the Portuguese and S panish properties, which grew to eventually cover an entire quarter of the world population and land mass. This included countries like Egypt, India, Australia, Hong Kong and much of North America. In the 19th century, the imperialistic designs of US and Germany damaged the British stronghold; this tension resulted in the First World War in which the German Empire was taken apart. After the Second World War period of decolonization began as most European power granted independence to their territories. Russia is another example of European imperialism that is stretched across half the world along its longitudinal axis. 3-US IMPERIALISM As said by the Historian Donald W Mening, imperial behavior for the US dates at least to the â€Å"LOUISIANA Purchase† which he described as an Imperial acquisition; imperial in the sense of the gaining control over the territory of another, resulting in the subjugation of the people to alien rule. The US policies towards the Native Americans w ere designed to remold them into a people more appropriately conformed to imperial desires. IIThe Unites States had been the dominant world power over the Middle East since the Second World War. US imperialistic policies drives its strength from the thoughts of the famous think tank A.T Mahan, who maintained that modern industrial nations must secure foreign markets for the purpose of exchanging good and later on, they must maintain a maritime force that is capable of protecting these trade routes. The outcome of the US business and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Home Brewing for the Beginner Essay Example for Free

Home Brewing for the Beginner Essay Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the process of Brewing Beer at Home Central Idea: Millions of people drink beer everyday but are oblivious to the brewing process and the ease of making their own. Introduction: Knowledge is Power, Availability, Style, Main Points Main Points: I. Preparation II. Brewing III. Fermentation and Bottling Conclusion: Main Points, Taste Preference, Advanced Techniques (Cheap) An introduction to the Home Brewing process. Today I will be informing you about the fascinating process of brewing beer that millions of individuals enjoy as a hobby as well as a profession all over the world. Brewing beer has become big business for companies like Anheuser Busch and Yuengling. The days of prohibition are over and knowledge is power so being informed is the first step to beginning any hobby. Aside from rare common problems that all brewers experience, this hobby is completely legal, inexpensive, simple, and tastes great! 5 Gallon batches typically range between 20 and 25 dollars, so it’s light on the wallet. As your skills develop, you can create recipes which will produce beers custom designed to your particular tastes and preferences. The main points I will be covering are preparation, brewing, and lastly Fermentation and bottling. Preparation is key to brewing since this will be the phase that determines the quality and clarity of the beer that you brew. In this phase you will be selecting the ingredients, assembling and sanitizing the equipment. When picking out ingredients you can get all the assistance you need from a local brew shop, online, and books such as clone brew that have detailed recipes and instructions to make your favorite beer. Only 4 ingredients are required to make beer ; malted barley (grains), hops, yeast, and water. At this stage in the process, all the equipment you need is a brew pot, fermenting bucket, airlock, and a long-handed spoon. It’s extremely necessary to sanitize all you equipment with an acid based cleaner at this point to prevent contamination. Once you’ve completed your preparation it’s time to start the boil of the ingredients. Almost all home brew recipe s make 5 gallons of beer but you will only have to boil 2.5. The remaining amount of fresh water gets added later. Your specific recipe will tell you how long to steep your grains or how much malt extract to use. The boil usually takes an hour to complete and the hops are usually added towards the end of the boil. After you have boiled your ingredients you now have what is called wort. The first thing you have to do after the boil is set the brewpot containing the wort in a sink or cooler filled with ice. You want the wort cooled down to 70 degrees Fahrenheit as soon as you can. Chilling the wort rapidly is beneficial because it reduces risk of contamination, improve clarity, and so the yeast can start the next phase once it is added. A wort chiller is a copper coil that was designed to help with this task specifically. After the wort has been chilled below 70 degrees it is time to move the beer into a fermentation bucket adapted with a top that features an airlock. Enough fresh water is then added to the wort so that the specific gravity matches the initial gravity value your recipe calls for. Sprinkle the yeast packet on the top and seal the lid on top of the fermenter. That’s it! Over the next 24 hours your wort should begin the fermentation process and over the course of the next week it will ferment. Fermentation will be apparent when the airlock is bubbling. After the fermentation is complete, it is time to bottle the brew. A local brew shop can help you with the supplies needed for this and the procedure to ensure carbonation takes place over the next 3-4 weeks. After the waiting period is over its ready to drink! Today I informed you on the preparation, brewing, and the fermentation of making beer. Making beer is a truly rewarding and exciting hobby! Most people who drink beer havent got the chance to try the many styles that beer has to offer. If you are serious about brewing I would suggest going to a local specialty store and trying out some stouts, pale ales, and porters. You may be surprised to find one that hits the pallet just right. Taking your bottles to club meetings, entering them in competitions, and asking your local homebrew retailer to taste and comment are all good ways to have your beers evaluated. Happy Brewing!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Eight Principles Of Total Quality Management Information Technology Essay

The Eight Principles Of Total Quality Management Information Technology Essay Total Quality Management is a process that ensures continuous improvement for an organisations future. It is a management system with customer satisfaction as a continual goal. It is TQMs goal to integrate a sense of quality into the culture of how an organisation is run. It hopes to merge different internal branches of an organisation (finance, Communications, RD etc.) and link them all with quality being their main goal, with a view to continual customer focus. This system of management contains 8 principles which are vital in implementing this strategy into an organisations culture. These principles combined with effective leadership should result in a company doing The Right Things Right, First Time. TQM stems from the principle that It is easier to control systems than it is people. Companies depend on their customers to keep them in business. It is essential that a company can keep their customers happy by ensuring that the products received are fit for their intended use. It is also very valuable if a company can foresee future customer needs to ensure they keep the customer base in the future. Here the company can ensure that all its new objectives are customer satisfaction based and can later apply measuring techniques to see if their approach is effective (customer surveys etc.) Leadership Total quality should be adopted into the culture of the organization so proper leadership should create an environment where this is possible. The objectives should be clearly laid out with an emphasis on customer satisfaction. A leader should ensure that all employees are fully aware of their importance to the organisation and should eliminate fear and promote trust. Involvement of People Every person within the organisation must be utilized for their specific skills so everyone is contributing to the organizations goals. This helps create a sense of unity and purpose and leads to a better working environment. This leads to people being accountable for their work and serves as a baseline for quality. It involves people sharing ideas and practices and leads to better trouble shooting. Process Approach The objectives should be clearly outlined and all personnel should be aware of hoe the process will be managed and undertaking. This removes the waste of resources and ensures all efforts are placed on defined essential tasks. This helps increase the rate of work and processes are finished faster. If the process has been properly defined and it has to be repeated, the exact same system can be used as it has been documented and this will further increase efficacy of the work in the future. Systems Approach to Management If you can define interrelated systems, they can be correlated and run under one management guise. Running these various operations under one system leads to more effective work and allows the system to be monitored more easily and have data compiled on the systems efficacy. Through this monitoring continual improvement can be scored and documented. By aligning different departments within an organisation, more focus can be placed on key goals and confidence in the work will be widespread. This can lead to greater results faster. Continual Improvement This is to be a permanent goal for every process undertaken within the organisation. By training staff to use the various continual improvement tools available, a company can leap on an improvement opportunity before others. This could possible open up a new customer market that was previously unavailable. Factual Approach to Decision Making Decisions should be made based on analysis of sound data and intensively researched information. This removes poor decision making from an organisation and sets a baseline for decision making in the future. This can also help the ability to demonstrate how effective past decisions were by checking factual data. The factual data can help access the outcome of the decision and help removes decision making based on intuition alone. Mutually Beneficial Supplier relationship A relationship based on mutual benefits is very healthy and ensures that both parties have each other interests in focus. This will help create value for both companies if some parameters are set correctly. Open communication must be maintained and key objectives and future plans must be known to both parties. If both parties can pool their resources and both have a strong view towards customer satisfaction then waste of resources can be minimised and activities can be improved on both sides. Implementing TQM: TQM is a complex management system that will require a lot of input from all people involved in the company. However, the most important initiating step is to get full commitment from the companys senior management. Without this a proper plan cannot be devised and TQM will not work. A quality team or quality council must be set up among senior managers. Here ideas can be exchanged and improvements to specific parts of the company devised. Here it will also be decided who is to implement certain changes and a system of quality reporting must also be set up. There should be a quality improvement team and also a quality planning team set up. These teams should contain people who represent all areas of the organisation and have a high standard of knowledge of their individual departments. It is essential that the individual department are not run separately, but rather as one large system to ensure full communication remains and key objectives can be achieved faster. Once senior management have become involved the next step is to make middle management aware of the transition. This will involve meeting between middle management and the personnel who report to them. Here all staff will be educated about the forthcoming move to TQM and a series of plans will be set in motion. Here the staff should constantly retrain and each department should develop new experts to keep a focus on continual improvement. A mission statement of the organisations quality policy is a great way to start. From here a series of plans and a systematic approach can be developed to convert the companys operations to one of total quality. This change is very serious and without full commitment and proper planning can fail easily. The first thing a company must do is assess their current state. Here a management audit is a valuable tool and can easily identify the companys health. If the company is in poor health (quality standards low, reactive decisions, and poor managerial skill) then TQM will be near impossible to implement. However, if a company can agree that its current level of management, organisational culture and work ethos are suitable to TQM, then the process can develop from here. Benefits of TQM: Once an organisation has been converted to a system of total quality management, the organisation may be able for ISO 9000 accreditation. This is an internationally recognized standard of quality that has a major impact on how your organisation itself and the process that are undertaken are viewed by the public/possible customers. Having this accreditation will also greatly benefit the organisation from a financial point of view. Getting insurance for large companies can a massive financial burden and being ISO 9000 approved means you are more likely to be insured. This will help protect the organisation from possible liable action. The main benefits internally are a new streamlined system for operations. Increased workmanship due to work ownership/accountability and this leads to constant quality. Increased readiness for the future market and a removal from a reactive decision making process and overall improved stability within the market and increased staying power. Disadvantages of TQM: A main concern of implementing total quality management is the initial set up cost. Here employees will have to attend training that will take away from their usual duties and cause a dip in productivity. Due to all the changes implementing TQM will cause, there is a school of thought that thinks employees will doubt the security of their positions. This may lead them to becoming resistant to change and as a result, slow down the implementation stages and the efficacy of TQM. The results which are desired from TQMs implementation may also take years to see, this can lead the employees feeling that their input was of little use and the project was a waste of time. TQM can also tie a business to a certain set of plans that may span years. This can lead the company down an inflexible route when it comes to future prospect and developments. Instead of the company continually focusing on the goals TQM was supposed to tackle, the main focus in put on finishing the implementation stage. As a result, the company ends up with a major organisation change but the highlighted problems still exist and more time will have to be delegated to solving these at a later time. This again all leads to a drop in current productivity and the business retains its previous efficacy with no notable improvements being recognisable.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The aims and nature of ryanair

The aims and nature of ryanair The aims of this report are to analyse and explain the nature of Ryanair business organisation, identify the contribution of functional areas to the operation of Ryanair organisation and to demonstrate an understanding of core concepts in functional areas. The objective of this report is to show understanding in organisations key areas such as: organisational type, financial information, marketing management, quality and supply chain. The Ryanair Holdings second-largest airline in Europe in terms of passenger numbers came to the business world in July 1985 with flights on a 15-seater Bandeirante aircraft. It was operating daily from Ireland to London Gatwick airport. Quantity of passengers was approximately 5,000 thousands. In 2009 quantity of passengers increased by 66,503,999 million. Ryanairs fleet rose to 232 Boeing 737-800. During 1985-2009 Ryanair has opened bases in the centre and north side of Europe. Low cost airline profits rose 200% to over 318 million euro while many of Ryanairs competitors announce losses and even more go bankrupt (Ryanair 2009). Ryanairs future activities will be considered in below presented articles. 2.0. Findings Figure 1. Ryanair Holdings Logo (Ryanair 2010) 2.1. Organisational Structure Bonderman and OLeary (1996) established a new company Ryanair Holdings, they have bought the control of Ryanair Company just for  £5 million cash, an airline they had valued at approximately  £57 million. From that moment Michael OLeary is Ryanair Holdings legal entity (Creaton 2007:117). 2.1.1. Sector in which Ryanair Trade According to Palmer et al., Ryanair operates in private-sector, because the aim of private-sector organisations is to earn profits for the owners of the organisation. As OLeary is entity of Ryanair, he: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦always acting in the interests of the company because he is a shareholder (Siobhan Creaton 2007:278). Moreover, OLeary said that he will earn as much profit as he cans (Siobhan Creaton 2007:277). In addition, private-sector is able to monitor the results of its marketing activity, as the benefits are usually internal to the organisation (Palmer and Hartley 2006:230). Ryanair publish their annual report which will be used in this report as an example of sources of finance (Ryanair Holdings 2010). Private sector is subdivided into four types, but Ryanair refers to two of them: Private Limited Company (LTD) and Public Limited Company. LTD permits some defence to the shareholders they take a risk to invest money for business. Thus, shareholders can use Ryanairs annual report (Ryanair Holding 2010) which includes detailed financial information (Boddy 2002:488). PLC must have a minimum share capital of  £50,000 and must have at least two directors. As to Ryanair, OLeary and Bonderman have bought control over Ryanair Limited for  £5 million (Palmer et al. 2006:220). Consequently, Ryanair Holdings PLC (Ryanair Holdings) is the holding company for Ryanair Limited (Ryanair). 2.1.2. Structural Style Ryanairs structural style is divisional, where administrators create divisions and make them responsible for all the functions to deliver their facilities to the consumers (Boddy 2002:245). Ryanair Company has geographic divisions, to the location of customers. For example, Ryanair has a group of people who works in Baltic countries, such as Latvia and Lithuania and there are managers, who are responsible for staff, customer needs, and manager use autonomy to meet local needs (Boddy 2002:246). 2.2. Ryanairs Source of Finance Ryanairs company is financed by internal sources sources of finance that come from the business activities retained profit. For example, if the Ryanair business had a successful trading year, the organisation can use got profit for future activities. Of course, Ryanair can use profit only after paying all its costs (Manak 2009:184-185). The advantage is that source is very useful for long term business, because they can use it sources for future business activities. For example, Ryanairs attendants sell a variety of products such as MP3 players, digital cameras, perfumes and so on. All the extras revenues are up to 15% of all revenues. Ryanair Company is trying to earn revenue on everything on the board except seats (Kotler et al. 2009:577). Furthermore, Ryanair is run by equity finance. That means that organisation or a person providing money, does not receive interest and there is no guaranty that it will be repaid. If organisation had a success in borrowing money there will be an increase in share value or in dividends. Besides, after borrowing success, shares could be sold to some on else. (Smith 2007:291). There are different types of shares: ordinary shares and preference shares. Ryanairs organisation has ordinary shares. Shareholders receive ownership of a small part of a business and they carry complete voting rights. The number of ordinary shares that Ryanair has is 1,476.4 (in Ms) (Ryanair Holdings 2010:138). Correspondingly, companys earnings per ordinary shares are 20.68 (euro cent). However, if organisation will have unsuccessfulness, shareholders will be last people who will receive proceeds and may be receive nothing at all. (Smith 2007:292). 2.2.1. Profit or Loss? Being based on Ryanairs Income statement for year 2010 company got the profit of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬341million before tax and à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬305.3 million after tax (RH 2010:135). Thanks to lower oil prices, companys traffic increased to 14% of customers. Ryanairs non-ticket revenues rose to à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬661 million or 11% in 2009 but now (2010) account is 22%. Besides, Ryanair opened 280 new routes in 2009, with destinations such as Spain and Portugal for summer travellers, making higher summer rates. Besides, shareholders will receive special dividends up to 550 million euros. Congruently, Ryanairs chief executive OLeary will receive 20 million euros, who owns just 4$of the companys shares. (Guardian 2010) 2.3. Marketing strategy and Target Market Marketing strategy: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦involves the activities of selecting and describing one or more target marketsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Lamb et al. 2008:43). To identify target market, an organisation should identify which of the segmentation is distinct and actionable. Ryanairs target is market segmentation activity. Segmenting market relies on detecting the variables that differentiate customers with need (Boddy 2002:215). Ryanair organisation refers to demographic segmentation social class. It can be used characterised function standards such as education, profession and property worth (Kotler 2009:16). Company select only one target segment to focus on, consequently, organisation use concentrated targeting strategy. The advantage is that business may concentrate on resources and can better meet the needs of defined segment (Lamb et al. 2008:247). 2.3.1. Marketing Mix When target market is identified organisation can evaluate marketing mix. McCartneys four marketing mix tools were expanded to 7Ps by Boden, which had a more services focus and included process, physical evidence and people. 7Ps is a necessary mix that company should track to maximise marketplace results (Kotler et al. 2009:17).Ryanair is using 7P Formula for its brand image, which consists of: 2.4. Quality Strategy According to David Garvin (1981) there are 8 dimensions of quality that can serve as a quality framework. For Ryanairs Company quality strategy identification we will use only 4 the most obvious dimensions: Performance characteristics of a service (Garvin 1987:50). For example, Ryanairs service speed, flight booking is depended on your own, because Ryanair is offering only self-service. Another example is absence of waiting, unfortunately, Ryanair not the best in this service, because flights are usually delayed. Perceived quality -it is about clients previous experience, what he thinks about that company (image, reputation) (Garvin 1987:59-60). Focussing on core brand value (providing cheap tickets to approximately 49 million passengers who desire low cost to high service) is a key of Ryanairs success. (Kotler et al. 2009:443). Aesthetics it is about personal judgment of individual (Garvin 1987:59). For example, passenger is ordering some food that looks and tastes not as good as at picture was. In addition, sight or vision of service. For example, Air France KLM have an impression of luxury thanks to leather seats, while Ryanair has plastic seats with blue and yellow as the dominant colours of no frill focus company (Kotler et al. 2009:681). Serviceability how fast client will be served (Garvin 1987:57). For example, passenger is ordering some meal and he gives denomination but not a coins, it will take an eternity to receive back your change. So Ryanair has very poor serviceability. Relying on above mentioned facts it is possible to tell that Ryanair has not got any strategic quality at all. Ryanairs chief executive is obsessed with providing a functioning airline and cared little about pleasing its passengers, passengers number growth and companys profit (Creaton 2007:271). 2.4.1. 3 Key Areas of Quality Quality Service People Marketing High (Service satisfies customers needs) Sales promotion Low (customers are dissatisfied) Food for extra pay; Uncomfortable seats; Checked luggage; Bus transportation into town. Employees must pay for own security checks Staff must pay for own uniforms and parking Staff must supply own tea and water Advertising Service is an indicator of poor quality, because while you are flying at Ryanair aircraft you will not receive any food for free. For example, the hot dog for 4 euros (Kotler et al. 2009:577). Moreover, it is well known fact, that Ryanairs seats are uncomfortable, seats do not recline and seat-back pockets have been removed (Kotler et al. 2009:577). Comparing British Airways (BA) with Ryanair, BA has first business and economy classes seats, while Ryanair has only Economy class seats (British Airways 2011). Furthermore, client should spent extra money for bus or train transportation into town from distant airports that Ryanair uses (Kotler et al. 2009:577). Furthermore, Ryanair has poor quality in HRM. Staff could no longer enjoy their tea or coffee for free, staff must to bring own drinks and snacks to work. Cabin crew were banned to use ovens on board, because there will be no additional cleaning costs. Pilots were told that they can use only one ream of paper a day (for reports). They also have to do bi-annual medical examinations, in their own time, and what is the worst they have to pay for their own for it. Additionally, reduction concerns to uniforms, company will deduct monthly sum from staff pay to cover their uniforms. Besides, there is a problem of absenteeism in Ryanairs company (have lost over 10,000 days) (Creaton 2007:239). Ryanair is famous with rude and scandalous posters. One of the examples is poster which offended BAs company (Creaton 2007:239). Comparing Ryanairs posters with BAs we can say that BAs advertising is more enjoyable, because there are no slogans that are concerned with price reduction (see Appendix 1 and 2). The only thing that has a high quality is sales promotion; because a quarter of seats are free, passengers pay only taxes and fees of approximately 7 16 euros (Kotler et al. 2009:577). In addition, buying a ticket passenger can return their 10 pounds, receiving a coupon (after completing online booking Ryanair offer to complete form). 2.5. Sequence of Supply Chain Activities Ryanair Company provides transaction by airplane services. The table below shows the sequence of supply chain activities. At First, passengers decide to use Ryanairs airline then they have to complete the online form at, then passengers will receive digital receipt at their e-mails. The following stage is online check-in, which you must to complete from 15 days up to 4 hours prior to passengers scheduled flight departure. Moreover, client must to print check in ticket. (à Ã‚ ¡Ãƒ Ã‚ Ãƒ Ã…“ à Ã¢â‚¬ Ãƒ Ã… ¾Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃƒ -à Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ãƒ Ã‚  à Ã‚  Ãƒ Ã‚ Ãƒ Ã‚ ¡Ãƒ Ã… ¸Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ãƒ Ãƒ Ã‚ Ãƒ Ã‚ ¢Ãƒ Ã‚ Ãƒ Ã‚ ¢Ãƒ Ã‚ ¬) At day of flight traveller arrives to the airport and registers their luggage and then goes transportation. When passenger arrives in the airport he should undergo the same procedure as well as before flying (registration, à Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ Ã‚ ¾Ãƒ Ã‚ »Ãƒâ€˜Ã†â€™Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ãƒ Ã‚ µÃƒ Ã‚ ½Ãƒ Ã‚ ¸Ãƒ Ã‚ µ luggage). The disadvantage of Ryanairs Supply Chain service output is waiting time. It is the time that customer has to wait before flight. The lower the waiting time, the higher the level of service (Bowersox et al. 2010:51). For example, Ryanairs flights are often delayed and sometime even cancelled. Consequently, Ryanairs level of service is poor. 2.5.1. Value -Added Services Ryanairs internet booking is the value-added service in Supply Chain process. According to Bowersox (2010) et al. value-added services refer to unique activities that firms can develop to increase their productivity. For example, internet booking is unique activity, and passengers, buying tickets, online can save they time. In addition, online check-in is value added service, because if passenger does not have luggage (more than 15 Kg) he can go straight to the gate. Online check-in helps to save passengers time (do not wasting time staying in the registration queue) and companys time and money (staff working hours). The company is in great demand at consumers despite that consumers are performing self-service, of course except transaction by airplane. People are ready to for this kind of services, because they prefer low cost rather than high quality or supply chain services. Ryanair is offering close distance only that is why consumers prefer low cost ticket, 2 or 4 hours may not cost a high quality. 3.0. Conclusion The main conclusion that can be drawn therefore is that: 1. Ryanair organisation is trading in the public sector that gives an advantage for its owners, because private sector helps to earn money for them. Also, Ryanair adopted divisional structure, because airline has it offices almost in all over Europe. 2. Ryanair is run by retained profit and equity finance. Furthermore, company is making profit of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬341m before tax. 3. Ryanairs target market is demographic segmentation if speak in detail Ryanair company is considering social class for characterising function standards such as education, profession and property worth. Ryanair is using Seven P Formula as a marketing mix for its brand image. 4. Quality dimensions speak about that Ryanair business organisation has got a poor quality. 3 key elements: people, service and marketing -are not high quality. The only thing that is high quality is Ryanairs sales promotion. 5. Almost all the Ryanairs services are self-services, except transaction by airplane. Correspondingly, Ryanairs supply chain has disadvantage such as service waiting time and supply chains poor quality. Ryanairs trading in the last 5 years are talking that organisation had pick moments and also had some falls. Generally, company had shown excellent performance in low-cost strategy, increasing it passenger number from 34.8 million (2005) to 66.5 million (2009), while many of Ryanairs competitors announce losses and even more go bankrupt. During 5 years Ryanair has opened bases several new bases such as Bournemouth, Birmingham and Belfast. Forecasting how the Ryanair business may proceed in the current economic climate, I may say that Ryanair will continue to exist in the world market, because its chief executive knows what people want low cost tickets. Consumers interest in traveling will continue to exist even in economic recession time. While consumers incomes are falling but supply is increasing, Ryanairs organisation will continue to offer low cost seats or even seats for free. I assume that in future Ryanair will expand it destinations to other continents such as South America and Africa, because company has got huge possibilities for that. The only thing to do is to find additional investors and to think over the strategic plan. 4.0. Recommendations In the light of these conclusions, I would recommend Ryanair organisation to improve organisations supply chain. All the Ryanairs destinations are operating into far-flung airports and passengers are confused about airports. All that it is necessary is change some of the destinations to major cities. Another solution is to write not only the airports name and country but write a citys name as well. In addition, I would recommend to improve quality strategy a specially one of the quality aspects people (HRM) as staff may start to strike. Their needs are not considered, company should prove such necessary elements such as uniforms and bi-annual medical examination. Of course, it will cost huge amount of money for the organisation but still staff will be satisfied. As a consequence, staff will work better and Ryanairs service will be little improved as well. References Boddy, D. (2002) Management An Introduction (2nd Ed.) Harlow: FT Prentice Hall. Bowersox, J., D., Closs, J., D., and Cooper, B., M. (2010) Supply Chain Logistics Management (3rd Ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill. British Airways (2011) Travel classes [online] available from [5 February 2011]. Garvin, D., A (1987) Managing Quality, New York: The Free Press. (2010) Ryanair returns to profit [online] available from [9>HYPERLINK> [9 [9 February 2011]. Kotler, P., Keller, K.L., Brady, M., Goodman, M., and Hansen, T. (2009) Marketing Management. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. Lamb, W., Hair, F., J., and McDaniel, C. (2008) Marketing (10th Ed.) Mason: Nelson Education, Ltd. Manak, S. (2009) Introduction to Business Organisation 121BSS, Glasgow: McGraw-Hill. Palmer, A., and Hartley, B. (2006) The Business Environment (5th Ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill. Ryanair (2009) About Us [online] available from [27>HYPERLINK> [27 [27 January 2011]. Ryanair (2010) Logopedia [online] available from [31>HYPERLINK > [31 [31 January 2011]. Ryanair Holdings (2010) Annual Report Financial Statements 2010 [online] available from [3 February 2011]. Siobhà ¡n Creaton (2007) RYANAIR: The Full Story of the Controversial Low-Cost Airline, London: Aurum Press Limited. Smith, M. (2007) Fundamentals of Management, Glasgow: McGraw-Hill Education. Bibliography Beckford, J. (2002) Quality (2nd Ed.) London: Routledge. Calder, S. (2002) No Frills The Truth Behind The Low-Cost Revolution In The Skies, London: Virgin Books Ltd. Harrington. J., H. (1987) Poor Quality Cost, New York: Mareel Dekker, Inc. Hoyle, D. (1997) QS 9000 Quality Systems Handbook, Newton: Butterworth Heinemann. Hutt, M., and Speh, W., Th. (1998) Business Marketing Management a strategic view of industrial and organizational markets (6th Ed.) Orlando: The Dryden Press. McDaniel, C., Lamb, W., Ch., and Hair, F., J. (2008) Marketing (10th Ed.) Mason: Nelson Education, Ltd. Waters, D. (2003) Logistics An Introduction to Supply Management, New York: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN. Appendices Appendix1

Monday, August 19, 2019

Jihad, Pakistan and India :: Politics Political Essays

Jihad, Pakistan and India Every person is entitled to his or her own opinion. Whether it is complimenting a new outfit or distrusting a society, people may think whatever they like. In the article â€Å"Jihadis† by Pankaj Mishra, different views on society are taken. From the opinions of Pakistani relationships with Indians, or the different outlooks on the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, this article provides a detailed description of a person born in India but decided to change his life. The narrator, Mishra, is first introduced shortly after a brief setting of the Middle East before the tragic events of September 11, 2002. Described as being from India, he is now a London reporter writing various articles for English and American magazines. Through his encounters the reader receives an inside view on Middle Eastern life and history. Beginning with Pakistan’s governmental history, a foundation is set describing various ruling powers such as General Zia-ul-haq’s military takeover from Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in 1977 and the final Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in the 1990’s. The cruelty inflicted by these harsh takeovers is apparent by descriptions of â€Å"shutting down schools, smashing TVs, and VCRs, and tearing up photographs† (Mishra 103). Different reasons for supporting and joining the Taliban and other organizations are also explored. For example, a young man named Rahmat, felt he had no other choice but to join the Taliban in taking over Afghanistan after his father’s business was in ruins and his brother was in jail. After all the warnings, the Taliban offered him what he could not offer himself at that time: food and shelter. Trying to get an insider’s view on Taliban life, Mishra is escorted by Jamal, a befriended assassin.

Dna Identification System :: essays research papers

The Australian society would not benefit by the introduction of a DNA signature identification system for all citizens over the age of 18. This is the same thing as the Australian Card, which was stopped being released in the mid 1960’s. There were a number of reasons for this, as some being the government would know everything about you but maybe the government know more about you then you think. But is it all really that bad? Maybe it would help us as we could use it for identification purposes instead of carrying around a driver’s license or maybe a birth certificate it would all be held on this one card. Would the identification system be a benefit or not. It will defiantly change the way we do things. The DNA Identification System does have its benefits, as it would help in the medical department. If you were rushed to hospital from a car accident and you are unconscious the doctor will know if you were allergic to the anaesthetic or if you were a private patient or not. This would also help in the crime department, as it would store the whole of the Australian population of individuals over the age of 18. This would have all the information about each individual these would include their DNA, and other vital statistics. At the scene of the crime there is usually fingerprints or some kind of DNA trail left behind. The police would use this DNA to log into the database to track down the criminal. It would also tell the location of where that criminal is to make it easier to find them. The system also has its problems, Lets say that you were a carrier of a disease but it does not affect you at any way at all, this could effect your employability as your employer could have access to your information. This would destroy our right to privacy. “The right to privacy is one of the fundamental rights of any civilised society'; As quoted in the video ‘You have no secrets’ All of your information would be stored on a database, which would be accessible from the Internet.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Shakespeares Soliloquies - Hamlet’s Soliloquy Essay -- The Tragedy of

Hamlet's Soliloquy  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚         The purpose of a soliloquy is to outline the thoughts and feelings of a certain character at a point in the play. It reveals the innermost beliefs of the character and offers an unbiased perspective as it is merely the character talking to the audience, albeit not directly, and not to any other characters who may cause the character to withhold their true opinions. Therefore, Hamlet's first soliloquy (act 1, scene 2) is essential to the play as it highlights his inner conflict caused by the events of the play. It reveals his true feelings and as such emphasizes the difference between his public appearance, his attitude towards Claudius in the previous scene is less confrontational than here where he is directly insulted as a "satyr", and his feelings within himself. In this essay, I will outline how Shakespeare communicates the turmoil of Hamlet's psyche.    Hamlet's despair stems from his mother's marriage to his uncle and it is this that is the driving force behind what is communicated. His constant repetition of the time in which it took the two to get married, "But two months dead...yet within a month...A little month...Within a month...most wicked speed", suggests his disgust at the situation and that it is not necessarily the nature of their "incestuous" relationship that troubles Hamlet; more the short time in which it occurred. In fact, this is especially well communicated to the audience as, throughout the soliloquy, the passage of time that Hamlet describes gets less from "two months" to "Within a month". This has the effect of outlining Hamlet's supposed contempt of his mother for only mourning a month whilst also highlighting that it is the time involved that is vexing him a... ...t only through the diction but also through the imagery, language and underlying messages of the text. It successfully highlights the divisions of character of Hamlet whilst aiding the audience in building a connection with him.    Works Cited and Consulted: Boklund, Gunnar. "Hamlet." Essays on Shakespeare. Ed. Gerald Chapman. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1965. Levin, Harry. General Introduction. The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1974. Mack, Maynard. "The World of Hamlet." Yale Review. vol. 41 (1952) p. 502-23. Rpt. in Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. No line nos.      

Saturday, August 17, 2019

A small family Essay

There is an increasing trend around the world to have a small family rather than a large family. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having a small family rather than a large family? Over the past decades birth rates have steadily declined. Consequently, the says of nuclear families have diminish all over the world. This easy I will discuss the advantages and shortcomings of smaller family sizes. As small family can benefit children and parents and make it easier to find sufficient resources for a family. Children can enjoy their parents full attention instead of sharing it with multiple siblings. Additionally, I an family with less children sibling rivalry is less likely to be a problem among children. Parents can spend more time with the individual child and the child‘s favourite activities. Caring for a large family can be stressful mad exhausting. Parents of a small family should therefore be more relaxed and patient. Lastly, fewer children mean the family budget is more likely to leave room for some extras, like holidays or separate bedrooms for each child. On the other hand, there are also some downsides for all family members of a small family. Children can end become spoilt and less responsible than their peer growing in large families. Being an only child is often associated with egoism and less developed social skills. Parents will focus all their expectations on fewer children. This will heighten pressure to succeed on the individual child. Moreover, it might be simpler for parents to raise multiple children as siblings learn from each other and play together. In a large family every member can contribute is domestic duties are shared. Also, some common family activities, such as outdoor games, are probably more fun with a larger family. All in all, there are positive and negative aspects of having a smaller family. As family sizes are decreasing most people to believe the advantages outweigh the disadvantages significantly.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Airline Regulation

Airline regulation has been a subject of debate for a long time now. This has been due to various views that have been expressed by various stake holders who hold that there are pros can cons of government regulation of the airline industry.This paper will try to look at various issues that surround the regulation of the airline industry by the government.            1.Is the regulation from the government necessary again?The regulation from the government is necessary at the airline industry. The reason as to why the government should regulate the airlines is because of lack of uniformity and decrease in quality of services. If the government could regulate the industry, this be avoided since there will be a fair playing ground in the industry. This would also encourage various airlines to concentrate on safety matters and equip the aircrafts with required systems by the law.According to Aarons (1996) the USAF B737-200 clashed killing all 34 on board and the sources say that the aircraft was not equipped with all systems required by the civil regulation, (FDR, CVR, TCAS 11or WDS AND GPS). If this aircraft was equipped with the above systems, the accident could not have occurred.         2. How far should the government go in tightening or loosening its control over the industry?The government should control only the fare and airport charges nationwide. This would help in unifying the great competition affecting smaller airlines from larger airlines. Some areas have few passengers than other areas and if an airline monopolize in those routes they may run at a loss.The government should standardize the charges depending on the weight of the aircraft and which airfield the airline is flying or operating from. The government should not be interfering with the airlines marketing strategy.   (Economic Council of Canada, 1999)         3.How have the events of the September 11 attack affected your decision on airline Regulation?After the September 11 attack, airlines were affected as many people feared to fly and the effects were felt in other areas as the incoming flights reduced drastically in fear of more attacks.  Through the government regulation, people were assured of safety as the government established a board to investigate the matters regarding the attack. No airline would claim to be safe than the other because they should all follow set rules. After the attack, only the strong/bigger airlines were able to ferry passengers in the country because they were able to make more flights in given period for they could afford to reserve some seats for security personnel, this favored them affecting smaller airlines.In one incidence, a passenger was found with a pistol on a flight to, the airline’s public relations manager said would take the matter to ensure that the security at the airport was tightened. (Air transport news, World Air news magazine february1994)        4.How do war and a weak economy change your perception of government regulation?When war engulf a country, there is a possibility of disruption of flight schedules which makes some areas becomes partially or completely inaccessible. If there is no government intervention, the airlines suffers losses.   But if the government regulates the economy may stabilize which comes as relief to the a ffected airlines.When the growth of the economy slows down and the strength of the currency weakens, cost goes up including fuel, the airlines fare goes up as a result. There is need for government regulation in this case in order to slow lower the cost of fuel operation.ConclusionPartial regulation by the government is important to put some kind of control in the industry. This would be in line with protecting the interests of the passengers and the interest of the airlines.ReferenceAaron, A. (1996). CFTI in Dubrovnik. Business & Commercial Aviation international, August 1996.Economic Council of Canada, (1999). Responsible Regulation. An interim Report, August 1999.World air news, (2004). Air transport news. February 2004.